Illustrator Tutorial
EQ: What new skills did
you learn from your research and tutorial? Can you apply this
skill to another project?
Illustrator Creative
Cloud 2018
Objective: The student will be able
to learn a new Illustrator skill on their own from Illustrator tutorial
Guided Instruction: NA
Choose an Ilustrator tutorial online that you
would like to do. Some
possible resources are:
Complete the tutorial saving your work
in your Assignments folder.
Save the file in your "Assignments" folder as a
(.ai) file
Show the design on your computer to your teacher for credit.
Guiding Questions:
How do you determine if the tutorial you find is
- Computer
- Built-in Computer Camera
- Drawing Tablet
- Digital Camera
- Digital Video Camera
- Extended time
- Grading based on skill level
State Standards:
Information & Communications Technology 1:
1.01 , Identify the internal components of a computer (e.g., power supply, hard drive, mother board, I/O cards/ports, cabling).
1.02 , Identify various computer input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, phone, camera) and describe their use.
1.03 , Identify various computer output devices (e.g., monitor, printer, phone) and describe their use.
1.04 , Identify various storage devices (e.g., flash drive, iPod, phone, external hard drive).
2.01 , Identify the most common computer operating systems (i.e., Windows, Apple, UNIX).
2.02 , Describe and use conventional file naming conventions.
2.03 , Demonstrate proficiency with file management tasks (e.g., folder creation, file creation, backup, copy, delete, open, save).
2.04 , Be able to identify file types by extension (e.g., .doc, .txt, .wav, xls).
2.05 , Compare and contrast various operating systems used in mobile devices (e.g., iOS, Android).
3.01 , Identify and use web terminology.
3.02 , Define Universal Resource Locators (URLs) and associated protocols (e.g., http, ftp, telnet, mailto).
3.03 , Compare and contrast the types of Internet domains (e.g., .com, .org, .edu, .gov, .net, .mil).
3.04 , Demonstrate proficiency using search engines, including Boolean search techniques.
3.05 , Demonstrate proficiency using various web tools (e.g., downloading of files, transfer of files, telnet, PDF).
3.06 , Compare and contrast the roles of web servers and web browsers.
3.07 , Apply the rules for properly citing works or other information obtained from the Internet.
3.08 , Identify and apply Copyright Fair Use guidelines.
3.09 , Evaluate online information for credibility and quality using basic guidelines and indicators (e.g. authority, affiliation, purpose).
4.01 , Describe cyber-bullying and its impact on perpetrators and victims.
4.02 , Differentiate between viruses and malware, specifically their sources, ploys, and impact on personal privacy and computer operation, and ways to avoid infection.
4.03 , Demonstrate proficiency running an antivirus scan to remove viruses and malware.
4.04 , Describe risks associated with social networking sites (e.g., FaceBook, MySpace, and Twitter) and ways to mitigate these risks.
4.05 , Adhere to cyber safety practices with regard to conducting Internet searches, email, chat rooms, and other social network websites.
4.06 , Adhere to Acceptable Use Policies when accessing the Internet.
5.01 , Apply and adjust margins, tabs, line spacing and paragraph indents.
5.02 , Insert and manipulate text, graphics/images, and WordArt.
5.03 , Format text using the font interface and styles interface.
5.04 , Adjust the size, position, and layout wrapping settings of a graphic/image.
5.05 , Use the status bar to determine the number of pages, words, and characters in a document.
5.06 , Insert codes for current date and time.
5.07 , Copy text between documents using mouse, menu, and keyboard techniques.
5.08 , Move text in a document using mouse, menu, and keyboard techniques.
5.09 , Create bulleted and numbered lists.
5.10 , Create a table – inserting, moving and entering data.
5.11 , Create a table – format rows, columns and cells.
5.12 , Insert page breaks.
5.13 , Adjust magnification of document display single and multiple pages.
5.14 , Understand printing options including shrink to fit, gutters, and document orientation.
5.15 , Create a report or essay that contains a title page, text, a graphic/image, and WordArt.
5.16 , Interpret basic proofreader marks and edit a report or essay accordingly.
6.01 , Describe a spreadsheet and the ways in which it may be used.
6.02 , Identify the parts of the spreadsheet display.
6.03 , Insert and format text information into cells.
6.04 , Insert and format numeric information into cells.
6.05 , Insert and format date and time information into cells.
6.06 , Select multiple cells using the mouse.
6.07 , Copy information from one or more cells to another part of the spreadsheet.
6.08 , Move information from one or more cells to another part of the spreadsheet.
6.09 , Sum the numeric values of multiple cells.
6.10 , Use the sort function to alphabetize a table of information.
6.11 , Create and navigate through a worksheet.
6.12 , Change column width and row height.
6.13 , Insert columns and rows.
6.14 , Merge cells.
6.15 , Use Undo and Redo features.
6.16 , Create and print a table that displays and sums the quantities or values of different categories of data.
7.01 , Describe presentation software and the ways in which it may be used.
7.02 , Create a Slide Master.
7.03 , Adjust presentation format using the Slide Master.
7.04 , Add and format titles, subtitles, and talking points to a presentation slide.
7.05 , Insert date and time codes and slide numbers to slides.
7.06 , Insert and format images/graphics onto slides.
7.07 , Insert new or duplicate slides.
7.08 , Adjust slide transition to include animation.
7.09 , Insert and adjust sound settings and timing in presentation.
7.10 , Adjust the sequence of slides in the presentation.
7.11 , Produce a presentation that includes text, graphics, and digital images and present it using a projection system.
7.12 , Adjust slide show set-up to loop show continuously.
8.01 , Describe graphics software and the ways in which it may be used.
8.02 , Compare and contrast vector and bitmap images.
8.03 , Demonstrate knowledge of image formats related to photos and graphics on the Internet (e.g., Graphic: TIFF, BMP, EPS, Web: JPEG, GIF, PNG).
8.04 , Create graphic images that demonstrate the digital use of inks, watercolors, acrylics, and oils.
8.05 , Use terminology appropriate to the creation and display of graphic images.
8.06 , Create images with effects using different tools and brushes available in the software.
8.07 , Copy and paste graphic images.
8.08 , Alter the shapes and colors used in a graphic image.
8.09 , Save and export a photograph in the format that provides the best image quality and file size for Internet use.
9.01 , Categorize websites according to their purpose and domain.
9.02 , Identify elements of a webpage.
9.03 , Define basic HTML terminology.
9.04 , Critique the aesthetic and functional operation of sample websites.
10.01 , Create a website using an available template.
10.02 , Build the site navigation schema for a website.
10.03 , Create hyperlinks to external sites.
10.04 , Use an image or icon as a hyperlink.
10.05 , Prepare web pages for publication.
10.06 , Publish a website using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
11.01 , Define programming and discuss its role in computing.
11.02 , Understand the binary representation of data and programs in computers.
11.03 , Define the term algorithm and its application to problem-solving.
11.04 , Describe basic Boolean concepts, including Boolean algebra, truth tables, operators, and logic.
11.05 , Describe the structure of a simple program and why sequencing is important.
11.06 , Explain the logic used for IF statements.
11.07 , Create a program using a high level programming language (e.g., Alice, DarkBASIC, GameMaker).
Information & Communications
Technology 2:
1.01 , Construct an effective Boolean search statement using appropriate keywords.
1.02 , Evaluate search results to determine those sites or resources that best meet the research criteria.
1.03 , Incorporate the results from the Internet search into a research document (e.g., report, synopsis).
1.04 , Download images as needed in support of the research, complying with notices of copyright.
1.05 , Properly cite the Internet sources used in the research.
2.01 , Identify the types and purposes of common input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, camera, microphone, scanner).
2.02 , Identify the types and purposes of specialized input devices (e.g., digital cameras, mobile devices, GPS devices).
2.03 , Describe the types and purposes of various computer connection ports (e.g., USB, firewire, parallel, serial, Ethernet).
2.04 , Connect an input device (e.g., mouse, keyboard, cell phone, camera) and verify proper operation.
2.05 , Connect an output device (e.g., printer, monitor, projector) and verify proper operation.
3.01 , Describe cyber-bullying and its impact on perpetrators and victims.
3.02 , Differentiate between viruses and malware, specifically their sources, ploys and impact on personal privacy and computer operation, and ways to avoid infection.
3.03 , Describe risks associated with sexting, including related legal issues, social engineering aspects, prevention methods and reporting of offenses.
3.04 , Describe the risks associated with online gaming and ways to mitigate these risks.
3.05 , Describe the ethics and copyright legalities of downloading music or videos from the Internet.
3.06 , Describe risks associated with social networking sites (e.g., FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter) and ways to mitigate these risks.
3.07 , Adhere to cyber safety practices with regard to conducting Internet searches, email, chat rooms and other social network websites.
4.01 , Create a word processed document (e.g., article, newsletter) that employs a column layout.
4.02 , Create a word processed document that includes an imbedded image formatted to wrap text tightly around the image.
4.03 , Create a word processed document that integrates objects from a spreadsheet.
4.04 , Create a word processed document that includes formatted shapes and WordArt.
4.05 , Convert a body of text into a multi-column table, sorted by the left-most column.
4.06 , Format a word processed document using styles and the Document Map.
4.07 , Use numbered and bulleted lists in a document.
4.08 , Create a word processed document that uses multi-level outlining.
4.09 , Adjust the formatting of a multi-level outline document.
5.01 , Insert arithmetic formulas into a spreadsheet.
5.02 , Differentiate between absolute and relative cell addressing.
5.03 , Apply and adjust cell formatting to accommodate currency, date and percentage values.
5.04 , Apply shading and borders to a spreadsheet.
5.05 , Demonstrate how to use common spreadsheet functions (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT).
5.06 , Use Conditional Formatting to highlight text.
5.07 , Create a chart based on data sets defined in a spreadsheet.
5.08 , Adjust chart types to appropriately represent base data.
6.01 , Create a progressive slide presentation featuring the use of SmartArt and animated transitions.
6.02 , Use a portable digital video device (e.g., cell phone, Flip camera) to produce video clips for transfer onto a computer.
6.03 , Use video editing software to produce a slide show or video movie.
6.04 , Create a multimedia presentation that incorporates shot and edited video, animation, music, narration and adheres to good design principles, use of transitions and effective message conveyance.
7.01 , Build, optimize, edit, and test web pages for publication.
7.02 , Demonstrate an understanding of network and web implementation issues (e.g., bandwidth, compression, streaming).
7.03 , Compare and contrast various methods by which information may be accessed on the Internet/Intranet (e.g., FTP, telnet, browser).
7.04 , Demonstrate an understanding of file encryption methods (e.g., secure server, unsecured server).
7.05 , Modify a webpage template to achieve an effective look and feel for a website.
7.06 , Integrate video and animation files into a webpage.
7.07 , Prepare web pages for publication.
7.08 , Publish a website.
8.01 , Describe structured programming and discuss the advantages of this approach.
8.02 , Describe and give examples of the three structural components (i.e., decisions, sequences, loops) used in structured programming.
8.03 , Write a program in pseudo code that uses structured programming to solve a problem.
8.04 , Convert a program from pseudo code into a common high level programming language (e.g., Alice, DarkBASIC).
Information & Communications Technology 3:
1.01 , Characterize effective writing styles and conventions for the web.
1.02 , Use word processing software to create effective written content for the web.
1.03 , Use graphics software to create message-driven graphical content for use on a webpage.
1.04 , Access and digitize graphics through various resources (e.g., scanner, digital cameras, on-line graphics, clipart, CD-ROMs).
1.05 , Create and edit images using image or graphic design software.
1.06 , Adhere to cyber safety practices with regard to conducting Internet searches, email, chat rooms, and other social network websites.
2.01 , Describe email capabilities and functions.
2.02 , Identify components of an email message.
2.03 , Identify the components of an email address.
2.04 , Attach a file to an email message.
2.05 , Forward an email message to one or more addressees.
2.06 , Use an address book.
2.07 , Reply to an email message.
2.08 , Use the Internet to perform email activities (i.e., web-based email).
2.09 , Identify the appropriate use of email and demonstrate related email etiquette.
3.01 , Create and use a wiki or similar collaborative environment for communicating and sharing among project team members.
3.02 , Create and use a social media page (e.g., Facebook, Wimba, Moodle) to share and publish project components (e.g., content, images, graphics, videos) for gauging visitor reaction and obtaining feedback.
4.01 , Define networking and describe the purpose of a network.
4.02 , Describe the conceptual background of digital networks including terminology and basics.
4.03 , Describe various types of networks and the advantages and disadvantages of each (e.g. peer to peer, client/server, mainframe/terminal).
4.04 , Describe the function of various network devices (e.g. hub, switched hub or switch, Router Bridge, gateway, access points).
4.05 , Describe how network devices are identified (i.e., IP addressing).
4.06 , Explain the protocols commonly used in a network environment.
4.07 , Describe the purpose of the OSI model and each of its layers.
4.08 , Understand how two network nodes communicate through the OSI model.
4.09 , Differentiate between public and private IP addresses.
4.10 , Describe the difference between the Internet and intranet.
4.11 , Compare and contrast the different methods for network connectivity (e.g. broadband, wireless, Bluetooth, cellular).
4.12 , Discuss the differences between Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), and Virtual Private Network (VPN).
5.01 , Define database.
5.02 , Differentiate between fields and records in a database.
5.03 , Describe the various data types used in a database.
5.04 , Create a data table that uses multiple data types.
5.05 , Add, edit, sort, and delete records in datasheet view.
5.06 , Differentiate between a table and a query.
5.07 , Describe Structured Query Language (SQL) and discuss its use with databases.
5.08 , Create a basic SELECT query.
5.09 , Export data from a database into a spreadsheet form.
5.10 , Import data from a spreadsheet.
5.11 , Create meaningful reports from the database.
6.01 , Embed a PDF file (e.g., a map, image) into a word processed document and format to wrap text around the object.
6.02 , Enhance the appearance of WordArt using the shape, spacing, shadow, and 3D effects formatting features.
6.03 , Create a word processed document that includes SmartArt.
6.04 , Convert a document from profile to landscape orientation and adjust margins and headers and footers.
6.05 , Insert citations and a bibliography into a word processed document.
6.06 , Create an automatic Table of Contents.
6.07 , Add comments to a document.
6.08 , Revise a word processed document with Track Changes enabled, then accept and reject changes as appropriate.
6.09 , Using the Translate feature, translate a document from English to another language and vice versa.
7.01 , Demonstrate knowledge of ethics related to digital imaging and legal consent issues.
7.02 , Apply effective design principles in digital photography compositions.
7.03 , Demonstrate skill in using digital imaging software for image manipulation, color correction, and special effects to creatively convey a message or literary interpretation.
7.04 , Demonstrate skill in scanning and cropping photographs.
8.01 , Operate video camera (e.g., Flip camera, cell phone).
8.02 , Write storyboards to depict a one minute video segment.
8.03 , Determine appropriate lighting needs.
8.04 , Create video shots sufficient to produce a one minute video.
9.01 , Demonstrate knowledge of the digital video software interface.
9.02 , Demonstrate ability to edit, cut, erase, and insert video.
9.03 , Edit video as needed to achieve desired message and length.
9.04 , Describe a first complete run-through of the video production process.
9.05 , Characterize the qualities of effective communication in a completed video.
9.06 , Prepare a one minute video project for final compositing and export.
9.07 , Upload finished video files to a website.
10.01 , Demonstrate knowledge of the audio editing software interface.
10.02 , Demonstrate ability to edit, cut, erase, and insert audio.
10.03 , Edit audio as needed to achieve desired message and length.
10.04 , Prepare a one minute audio commercial project.
11.01 , Compare and contrast writing HTML using a text editor versus using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) editor.
11.02 , Design and create an effective web page template.
11.03 , Demonstrate knowledge of color wheel and proper use of color.
11.04 , Create attractive, engaging, and efficient web pages using a GUI editor.
11.05 , Insert audio files into a Web page.
11.06 , Create, edit and integrate video files into a webpage.
11.07 , Create, edit and integrate animation files into a webpage.
11.08 , Use Dynamic HTML (DHTML) to enhance webpage interactivity.
11.09 , Create webpages using basic HTML tags (e.g., links, lists, character styles, text alignment, tables).
12.01 , Describe iterative programming structures (e.g., while, do/while) and how they are used in programming.
12.02 , Explain the types and uses of variables in programming.
12.03 , Describe object-oriented concepts.
12.04 , Compare and contrast programming languages that are compiled (e.g., C++), interpreted (e.g., HTML), and translated (e.g., Java).
12.05 , Create animated objects using a high level programming language to control their behavior.
12.06 , Write a program design document showing program flow using pseudo code.
12.07 , Create a program using animated objects.
12.08 , Troubleshoot and debug errors in code.
13.01 , Apply the design process in solving a problem.
13.02 , Identify the design criteria and constraints.
13.03 , Create storyboards to model the program flow and functionality.
13.04 , Write the appropriate code.
13.05 , Test and evaluate the program.
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